AnthonyI'll be your first subscriber! Here's my complete manual: START | WING IT | THE END 7 years ago
AndersGawin! Thanks for your answer, but where kan I get this "recapture"?7 years ago
AnthonyTo enable Recaptcha on your site goto the below link, to generate your private and public keys, then return to Recaptcha plugin and enter keys. Once enabled go to Global configuration and select which reCaptcha you desire as site default, or add your keys to JomSocial Captcha settings.
AndersIs there soon another version where cahat works and send email to the recipient when I start a new conversation? (Referring to your answers earlier "but hopefully, beta version will come out tomorrow after we iron out small hickups seen on the screenshot here"7 years ago
MichałAnders, I repeat - this feature is already available and it works also on your site. Tested it few times. Just check if emails are send in Mail Queue (need to have cron job to send them automatically). Then check if emails are received and do not land in spam box or are bounced:
Det är ett välkänt faktum att läsare distraheras av läsbar text på en sida när man skall studera layouten. Poängen med Lorem Ipsum är att det ger ett normalt ordflöde, till skillnad från "Text här, Text här", och ger intryck av att vara läsbar text. Många publiseringprogram och webbutvecklare använder Lorem Ipsum som test-text, och en sökning efter "Lorem Ipsum" avslöjar många webbsidor under utveckling. Olika versioner har dykt upp under åren, ibland av olyckshändelse
Hope this answers your question?
reCAPTCHA is a free security service that protects your websites from spam and abuse.