Xristoph Conradmuelji go to Users then choose Options in your Joomla control panel. There are several tabs there, one dealing with Registration. Change your "New User Account Activation" from Admin or Self to "None" and it will auto create accounts.9 years ago
mueljiwow......thanks a lot xristoph that really helped9 years ago
mueljihello please i need help, every time i try customizing my users profile at the backend, settings such as change profile picture, change profile video, edit profile, edit details, customize my page etc....becomes inaccessible on the sites front end. please how do i fix this and also how do i ensure that this does not happen again? Thanks9 years ago
mueljibut can i still get a little advice here....?9 years ago
mueljiplease i really need help with my site9 years ago
Xristoph Conradmuelji users have to do profile editing from the front-end as it's their profile. Not sure what problem you're having, but in regards to user profiles, the only way your edits will "save" is if you fill-in all of the required fields.
In the back-end of the site, JomSocial component, then choose Profiles, you can click and uncheck the "Required" box for each data point. That way, you and your...muelji users have to do profile editing from the front-end as it's their profile. Not sure what problem you're having, but in regards to user profiles, the only way your edits will "save" is if you fill-in all of the required fields.
In the back-end of the site, JomSocial component, then choose Profiles, you can click and uncheck the "Required" box for each data point. That way, you and your users alike can provide whatever details, click save and it should take.Show more9 years ago
mueljithanks for the help, but what i am trying to say is that, when users try accessing the edit profile page, or edit details page etc at the front end, the site refreshes to the profile homepage, users cant access the edit profile page to input their details in the front end.9 years ago
mueljialthough i ve changed lots of words on the site using my hosts code editor, to fit my sites purpose, probably the problem is occuring due to this changes. i am suspecting i might ve a bug issue with my site. please how do i fix this or rather how do i fix a bug issue on my site? Thanks.9 years ago
Xristoph ConradIt's hard to diagnose without seeing the problem. Make sure you turn off SEF within Joomla and any 3rd party extension like SH404SEF, assign a default template to the menu item for Edit Profile and turn on or increase level of error reporting within Joomla.9 years ago
In the back-end of the site, JomSocial component, then choose Profiles, you can click and uncheck the "Required" box for each data point. That way, you and your... Show more 9 years ago