Inviting friends to join your network

  1. Click on Friends
  2. Select Invite Friends
  3. Fill in your friend’s email
  4. Write your personal message to your friend
  5. Click on Send Invite
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Searching people

  1. Click on Search
  2. Key in the name of your friend
  3. Click on Search button
  4. Select Add as friend
  5. You could add a personal message as you send your friend request.
  6. Click on Add Friend
  7. Your friend will now receive your friend request.
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View your friend request sent

Select request sent and you will see a list of friends whom you are waiting for approval alt

Approving friend request

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Show all your friends


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JomSocial is the most complete, easy-to-use addon that turns Joomla CMS into a
full -fledged, social networking site