Gallery View

Symptom: Gallery keeps on loading with showing the photo.
Causes :

  1. PHP ran out of memory during image-resizing for viewing. Check your php.ini memory_limit and increase it accordingly.
  2. The actual file is missing due to upload/permission issue.

Debugging Procedure

  1. We need to know whether the actual image exists or not.
  2. Right Click on the thumb> View Image (in Firefox)
  3. Take note of the actual URL for the thumb.
  4. You will notice that the URL of the thumb is (example): Thumb: images/photos/62/thumb_e9c8787197c151c42b599543.jpg
  5. The URL of the actual image would be (example) : Actual : images/originalphotos/62/e9c8787197c151c42b599543.jpg
  6. photos -> originalphotos
  7. thumb_e9c8787197c151c42b599543.jpg -> e9c8787197c151c42b599543.jpg
  8. Once you know the generated file name, head straight to the original photo, which is
  9. If you manage to view both original photos and its thumb, then most likely your issue lies on insufficient memory_limit.
  10. If you are not able to view any or both original photos and its thumb, most likely your issue lies on incorrect directory permission.

Frequently Asked Questions

(applies to v1.5.x)
My images doesn't load at all, what can i do?

First, check the permissions of the following folders,

  1. JOOMLA/images/
  2. JOOMLA/images/originalphotos/
  3. JOOMLA/images/photos/
  4. JOOMLA/images/groupphotos/

If you are using the FTP layer, ensure that the FTP user has sufficient privileges to these locations. If you are not using the FTP layer, ensure that the webserver user, normally 'apache' , 'nobody' has the permissions to these folders.

If you are using Imagemagick executables / binaries, ensure that the user that is running this process has sufficient privileges to these folders.

Another possible reason is the safe_mode and openbase_dir which is enabled for your site. You need to disable them. Some hosting allows you to change this through a httpd.conf file that can be placed on your user root which will override their settings. You will need to enter the following in that file,

{code}php_admin_flag safe_mode off
php_admin_value open_basedir none{/code}

(applies to v1.5.x)
My flash upload doesn't work.

Some hosting providers has mod_security installed and it somehow actually prevents the photo uploads through flash. You need to add the following in the .htaccess file,

{code}SecFilterEngine Off
SecFilterScanPOST Off{/code}

  • Not every hosting provider allows you to add this in the .htaccess file. You need to check with your hosting company.

(applies to v1.5.x)
I am getting Image file not supported.

Ensure that your temporary folder set in the Global Configuration at the back end is setup correctly and have the appropriate permissions.

Please check that your hosting provider has also compiled JPEG support if you are using GD.

(applies to v1.5.x)
Q: I have just upgraded from v1.2 to 1.5. I see thumbnails showing but the images are not loaded. I also noticed that this only happens on existing photos on existing albums prior to the v1.5 upgrade. Newly uploaded photos are fine.

A: During the v1.5 upgrade, Joomla! may have used FTP to overwrite/create folders (if you have FTP configured for Joomla!). Hence, folder ownership/permissions may have been changed, causing resizing of existing photos to be unsuccessful.

To fix this, set the folder permission of "JOOMLA/images" folder (including subdirectories) to 775 or 777.

applies to v1.5.x)
Q: I have just upgraded from v1.2 to 1.5. I see new phototagging buttons but images are not loaded.

A: Hit CTRL-F5 on the gallery page (or clear your browser cache). Your browser should load the new gallery.js/gallery.pack.js or photos.css file.

applies to >=v1.5.243)
Q: Photo gallery is fine, but group photos is not.

A: Upgrade to the latest version v1.5.248 (at time of writing this), it contains imagemagick fixes for group photos.

(applies to >=v1.5.243)
Q: The issue I'm facing matches any of the following symptoms:

  1. "Object doesn't support this property or method" when viewing Photo Gallery on IE.
  2. I can only view the first photo on IE & FF.
  3. I have JCEUtils installed or jQuery 1.2.x loaded on my site.
  4. My newly tagged photo tags are missing after I refresh the page.
  5. I'm trying to tag a friend but it doesn't show up on the "Select A Person" cWindow.

A: All these are due to a minor conflict with jQuery v1.2. You can download this fix, "", extract and overwrite in "assets" folder. (Login first)

(applies to v1.5.x)
Q: I am using my own customized template I am facing the issue as described below:

  1. Images are not showing up in the gallery.
  2. jsGallery is undefined.

A: This is because the v1.2 version of "" is loaded from your own customized template. (You might also be facing other issues on your site should you be loading customized v1.2 template on v1.5)

You can extract the new "templates/default/" file from: - "JOOMLA/components/com_community/templates/default" folder (If you did not customize this folder)
OR - "" (or above) package and overwrite it into the folder where your customized templates resides.

(applies to v1.5.x)
Q: I am using RT Affinity (other RT templates may apply) and:

  1. When I click on a person I want to tag in "Select A Person" cWindow, nothing happened and the person is not selected.
  2. The buttons on photo gallery seemed to be pushed down.

A: RT has a input styling feature that replaces radio buttons, checkboxes, etc with theirs, breaking the functionality of our existing radio buttons. The buttons are pushed down because RT Affinity sets a margin-top: 10px value on

You can download this fix, "", extract and overwrite in "assets" folder.
(Login first) 

(applies to v1.5.x)
Q: I am using RT Affinity and Group Photo Gallery is missing.

A: This is because RT Affinity is overriding new 1.5 template with one intended for 1.2.

To fix this, rename that folder JOOMLA/templates/rt_affinity_j15/html/com_community/ to com_community.old.

Directory Permission


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