Michał, sorry to be a pain here, but do you think we could get a hold of these fixes before Wednesday Morning in the eastern time zone of US? We had planned on launching to our Fall class last week. If not we will just go ahead and launch the way it is now, but if we can get fixes soon I can postpone a bit. Once again I know you are probably busy but need to be able to tell our team what to do.
Hi, Guys.
Yes, fix was included in latest package.
Please, try to clear browser and joomla! cache.
Check if there is any change.
I tested on my site and it seems to load faster now.
the postbox still loads really slow on mine in chrome after clearing cache and updating. Firefox it loads up almost instantly. I can maybe submit a different request with a test account if that would help.
*EDIT: strange the postbox loads up almost instantly if I do mysite.com/index.php, but if I don't put in index.php and just do 'mysite.com' it is slow
HI, guys.
John-Paul, please, try to enable Joomla! debug and check both cases. Compare them and do a printscreens of session result (option will appear when debug is enabled, at page bottom).
I was able to replicate the issue on your website under the community tab, it is the same issue I am having. When I get a chance I can do what you suggested and provide logs, but it is due to some requests being handled as "text/html" it seems rather then XHR. see video for now youtu.be/PRYtJpv7cyA
HI, John-Paul.
Cool... but you tested in vain as jomsocial.com do not use latest version of JomSocial :P
It needs to be tested on 4.5.
4.5.1 will be released next week.
OK here is another video I took at demo.jomsocial.com that seems to be running version 4.5 and the issue is still happening:
Notice how the first two refreshes it takes forever for the postbox to load, but when I add in "index.php" it loads almost instantly?
I wanted to do a video on one of your servers because if it was on mine it would be easy for you to say it is my server problem. I am just trying to convince you all this is an issue. I am running 4.5 on my server and same thing happening.
It is loading slowly because of the comments section loading slowly in the templates/comments.php. But there could be a larger underlying issue because of how it works at index.php but not at demo.com/ without index. Almost like it needs to wait for the entire page to load each request it sends out
HI, John.
Thank you, I appreciate your effort.
I assign developer to investigate this issue further.
He'll contact you ASAP.
After I inspect this, it can be caused by chrome itself, I tried on 61.x.x and works smoothly, so I suggest you wait another version from chrome.. maybe its valid bug from them.
thank you!
Tested again on Vivaldi 1.13.1008.3 that uses slightly updated Chrome(imum) 62.0.3202.77 and no delay on JomSocial as default Home menu item with index.php or without. Installation is JomSocial 4.5 and Joomla Joomla! 3.8.1 and just released Joomla! 3.8.2 and default template is Protostar. So when everything is "vanilla" there is no delay. System settings are default:
- Cache Settings:
Cache Handler - File
Path to Cache Folder -
Cache Time * - 15
Platform Specific Caching - No
System Cache - OFF - Caching disabled
- Session Settings:
Session Handler - Database
Session Lifetime * - 15
Shared Sessions - No
yeah, i guess this issue only caused by chrome 62 bug..
I'm pleased to say Google Chrome 63+ has rolled out today and this is no longer an issue with the new version! Yay!
Great to hear that :)
So that was obviously Chrome issue :)
Topic could be closed now :D