Michał wrote: HI, Thomas.
I'm not sure if this code comes from Google Ad.. I assign developer to investigate this further.
Yes, I can add you to AdAgency course at learn.ijoomla.com - please, create account there and let me know it;s ready. I'll enroll you to the course.
Alin Dinca wrote: Hello,
I can;t see any errors on the Home page, you disabled them? can you send me a printscreen?
Also, I saw a bunch of JS errors on website, maybe is worth to look over and try to fix them all, see attached.
Thank you,
I will talk with template dev to see why are those errors, they are in the console.
Can you tell me please about AdAgency errors you said are on the Home page? How I can see them?
Thank you.
Heres what I found. When you use the Rotate section in the zone it was giving me the errors. So I dis able it.. The class would help me understand it better...
We fixed the errors that come from JS extension with the search.
At this moment there are two more errors in the console related with cloudflare and k2.
Back to AdAgency errors, can you please catch them with a prinscreen and send them to me?
Thank you,
thanks here's the screen shot.
Thank you
Michał wrote: HI, Thomas.
Hmm, after changes I applied it should work.
I disable jQuery load... I'll check again but your site seems to have system issue:
Please, check it and let me know I could access your site backend to fix AdAgency definitely.
Hi Thomas,
I just tested admin account with "Support" and "FishinAddict" accounts and I can not access your site. Pleae let me know if something was changed with site administrator and ftp account.
Kind Regards,