Change Log

A changelog is a log of all notable changes made to a JomSocial.


Bug Fixes

    Bug fixFix missing toolbar icon on member search view

    Bug fixNeed confirm before changing tab on postbox if status tab has content

    Bug fixUpdate fb login button to new api

    Bug fixFix could not delete page category on Joomla 4

    Bug fixFix feed filter by hash tag broken

    Bug fixFix member filter bar issue

    Bug fixFix create recurring event error on Joomla 4

    Bug fixMissing Language values in application

    Bug fixUploading multiple photos freez the postox

    Bug fixEnable My Article Plugin put site down

    Bug fixReport a page option missing Lanuage value

    Bug fixMore compatible with php 8.0

    Bug fixUndefined Error on Reporting a User Profile

    Bug fixMore improvements and enchaned

    Bug fixStyle fixes in the main stream posts

    Bug fixFix incorrectly save location value with unicode value

    Bug fixMissing Language values in core JS modules with J4

    Bug fixAppy time format 12h/24h to event and poll composer on postbox

    Bug fixRemove border from poxtbox when write Text

    Bug fixAdd link review pending invitation to email that send to admin

    Bug fixChange Cover image option not working

    Bug fixFix backend notification dropdown not work on Joomla 4

Join 180,000 websites creating Amazing communities

JomSocial is the most complete, easy-to-use addon that turns Joomla CMS into a
full -fledged, social networking site