
This event is trigger after a group is deleted.

@since 1.2


  • Group - group object that is passed by reference, consist of the following data :
  1. id, the id of the group
  2. ownerid, the user id of the group owner
  3. categoryid, the category type id.
  4. name, name of the group.
  5. description, the group description.
  6. email, the group's email.
  7. website, the group's website.
  8. created, date when the group is created.
  9. approvals, show whether the groups require approval or not when a user join (0 = no need aproval, 1 = requires approval).
  10. avatar, the group's avatar location.
  11. thumb, the group's thumbnail avatar location.
  12. published, the publish status of the group (0 = unpublished, 1 = published).
  13. discusscount, the group's total discussions.
  14. wallcount, the group's total walls.
  15. membercount, the group's total members.


stdClass Object
[id] => 51
[ownerid] => 66
[categoryid] => 1
[name] => test
[description] => testing group
[email] =>
[website] =>
[created] => 2009-02-10 04:14:11
[approvals] => 0
[avatar] => components/com_community/assets/group.jpg
[thumb] => components/com_community/assets/group_thumb.jpg
[published] => 1
[discusscount] => 0
[wallcount] => 0
[membercount] => 0




function onAfterGroupDelete( $group ) 
perform your triggered action here.



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