This advanced software requires 2 types of hosting: a regular php&mysql web hosting plan for the regular website features (you probably have that if you have joomla installed) and a special plan (usually on a different special server) for video streaming and other instant communication required between chat clients.
You need 1 of these to run the interactive and streaming part of the software: Red5, Wowza (recommended) or Adobe Flash Media Server. See the software requirements page on our site for more details. Red5 is free and open source but you need a VPS or Dedicated Server with root access to install it.
If you're not into these technical details you can also find this type of hosting with management services on our site or from other providers.
Special requirements for this edition:
- For conversions and multiple integrations, rtmp server must be on same physical server as web server so scripts can access the recordings. We recommend Wowza hosting.
- For conversions web hosting requires ffmpeg (with h264, faac, speex codecs) to generate mp4 for iphone/ipad and ffmpeg2theora for ogv needed for HTML5 playback in certain browsers.