My Video Channel is a JomSocial plugin that enables a user to showcase their video of Youtube or Vimeo in their profile page. This plugin can grab videos from Youtube Playlist, Youtube Channel, Vimeo Channel, Vimeo Group and individual Vimeo User accounts.
JomSocial comes out with its own video upload and showing options, but still why should you go for this plugin? Because it has lot more options such as support for playlist, slideshow that can auto scroll on sidebar and also on main area, different animation for sliding etc. Check detail features below.
You can watch the video on site as well as on modal (popups).
Basic Plugin features
1. Show videos as thumbnails or slideable playlist (with animation)
2. User can choose to show videos in simple thumbnail mode or Slider mode
3. User has option to limit their videos to display
4. Admin can set custom thumbnail size
5. Admin can set custom background and border color of the video thumbnail box
Advanced Styling features
6. Responsive design dynamically responses according to the position of the app (content or sidebar)
7. Detail control over slideable playlist
8. Admin can set visible items limit of slider item
9. Simple Iframe or Modal Popup based video display
10. Admin can enable/disable auto-slide
11. Admin can set a transition style from a list of transition effects
12. Controllable animation mode
13. Animation speed can be set by Admin