Show The Jomsocial Latest Groups in any page in your website and customize the display of the groups.
This module has extensive backend parameters:
Module Class Suffix,
Itemid of Jomsocial Groups page,
Number of Groups to select from,
Number of Groups to display,
Shuffle Groups (on/off),
Order by date, discussions count, wall posts count, members count,
Group Thumb width,
Group Thumb padding,
Group Thumb Background,
Group Thumb Border,
Matrix Layout,
Display group name (on/off),
Display members count (on/off),
Display discussions count (on/off),
Display wall posts count (on/off),
Show All link (on/off),
CSS styling parameter,
Select Groups from specific categories,
Should be able to shorten descriptions but it doesn't let you. It contains the full group description taking up a lot of space. The group avatars are scattered in an very unorganized fashion.
Owner's reply
The module works perfectly in Joomla 1.6. Hundreds of people have downloaded the module and have no issue.
The problem is with your template as I already told you in the support. Your template creates a mess.