IreneCore Migrate
Listing Details
- JomSocial 4.x
- JomSocial 3.2
- JomSocial 3.1
- JomSocial 3.0
IreneCore Migrate is a Joomla! 3.x extension that allows you to export, import or create profile fields for Joomla! users. Is not working on Joomla! 1.5.x and Joomla! 2.5 based websites.
It's a user-friendly extension that helps you to import/export thousands of users without problems.
What IreneCore Migrate extension can do:
- On Dashboard you can find statistics for logged users (calendar and diagram), user groups, last logged-in users and notifications.
- A quick import action,that allows you to import a list of users with basic values (name, username, email, password).
- You can export Joomla users and JomSocial users.
- You can choose result file type for export (CSV, HTML, TXT, PDF, SQL, ZIP, JSON, UTF-8 and PHP-array).
- You can export users by registration date and limit the number of users for export.
- The export result file can be sent via email to Site Administrator or to another email addresses.
- Import Joomla users (CSV, TXT, SQL, ZIP and UTF-8 format) and JomSocial users (CSV and TXT) and you can import users from external database to your database.
- Overwrite data (all fields from Joomla tables) from imported file for existing users.
- Add users to Joomla Com Contact.
- Require password reset (requires the users to reset their password next time when they log-in to the site).
- Generate new password for imported users if none is set.
- MailChimp integration, you can add users to a specific list.
- Send emails to imported users.
- You can see an import log history and for each log you can manage that specific users (delete, require/stop require password reset, block/unblock).
- If your Joomla users have address or if JomSocial users have address or latitude and longitude saved, you can see them marked on the World map from Users Distriubution Maps menu item from IreneCore Migrate.
- You can create Joomla Custom Profile fields (calendar, checkboxes, color, editor, email, hidden, integer, language, list, radio, spacer, text field, text area and URL) and you can manage Joomla existed fields.
- You have the possibility to manage users from your site. You can delete users by group, by registration date, by last visit date or blocked/unblocked users. You can change user's group, move users from one group to another. Activate users by group, registration date or blocked users. You can block or unblock users from specific groups, based on registration date or last visit date. Add users to MailChimp from specific user groups and export to CSV users from Joomla, VirtueMart, Hika Shop, Digistore, EasySocial, JomSocial and Guru for MailChimp CSV import feature.
- Restrict Login - if an user is logged in front-end, stop the user to log from another browser or from another device (phone, tablet, ipad...).
- Create CronJobs - automatically export and import actions for specific days, hours, minutes.
- Automatically add users to another site, when they register on your site, a new user account will be created on the sec