Forums Integration Are there a great many benefits to kunena over the jomsocial groups discussion functionality (i.e. this)? I am debating which way to go myself. This...
I'd like to edit the default tab, you know, the main tab in profile, that says "Stream." I want it to say "Activity Stream" instead. Can you tell me how to do this? I looked in the language files, but couldn't find it.
WaltDaniel Soares Thanks man, not only did the "singular" throw me, but so did the "missing capital "s" in the word "stream."10 years ago
DigitaTo find what needs to be changed, remove the language file, then all the labels will be the place holder (ie COM_COMMUNITY_SINGULAR_STREAM, instead of Stream). Then you will know what to look for editing10 years ago
DigitaGood idea Siniša Krišan Many FTP clients have built in editor, but recently I found SmartFTP, which is not free but I love it. Its code editor has nice search functions as you suggested. But also offers Syntax Highlighting and if you select a term, it highlights all other instance of it in the code.10 years ago