There are three options that admin can use to moderate user registration in JomSocial:

  • None: All registered users will be automatically approved.
  • Self: System will send a validation email for users to validate themselves.
  • Admin: Admin will have to approve new user registration manually in the backend

To access this option, go to administrator backend > Users > User Manager and click Option at the top-right of the page. You will see a popup like this:

Moderate User registration in JomSocial

This option is only available in Joomla 1.7

Several administrative tasks can be done in the frontend's profile page of a user whenever loggend in an administrator/manager/super user.

A red bar will appear below the JomSocial toolbar showing the administrative tasks:

  1. Ban user - used to ban a registered user.
  2. Feature this - the spesific user will be listed under "Featured Members".
  3. Change profile picture - will change the spesific user's profile picture.
  4. Change Vanity URL - for specifying the user a unique URL for their profile page.
  5. Remove profile picture - does as what it says :).

Unban a user

Unbanning a banned user, can be done in two ways:

  1. Frontend
    To unban a user in the frontend, open up the banned user's profile page. The administrative bar under the JomSocial toolbar will appear with the word "Unban user". Click it and the banned user is now unbanned.
    But unbanning a user in the frontend, requires the knowledge of the banned user's profile URL since banned users are not listed in the frontend's memberlist. Therefore it is recommended to unban a user at the backend.

  2. Backend

    Choose "Users" at Jomsocial's backend. Click on the column word  "Enabled" twice, so that the user list will be arranged with banned/disabled users on top of enabled users. The banned users will be represented with a red button while normal enabled users will be represented with a green tick button.
    Click on the red button, to enable the user.

To create a memberlist, first you need to access the "Advanced Search" function of JomSocial front end.

You can access it through the toolbar (Under Friends > Advanced Search):

Or from the front page on the Search module,

Then you will bring to Advanced Search page. On this page, you will have Criteria for searching. For this example/tutorial, we will use "Gender" as our criteria. After choosing your criteria, click "Search":

After clicking "Search", next to it will have "Save this search filter". Click on it.

A search filter will pop up right after. This search filter will make a Joomla menu on your site. You can name and describe the filter, and restrict access level for it.

To edit and delete any created memberlist, go to JomSocial backend.

This will be an example guide of JomSocial's Multiple Profile feature. We are going to emulate a school website, by creating profile types of Teacher & Student.

Please note this is just an instance of what Multiple Profile capable of doing, and it is not limited to do only what is shown here.

Firstly, go to JomSocial backend and select "Custom Profiles".

On "Custom Profiles" page, click "New Group" on the toolbar. A group will be sort of a heading or category to "Fields". For this example, we will use "Background" as our new group name. Another default example of a group name is "Basic Information", which fields are such Gender, Birthday etc.

Now that we already have a "Group", let's create a new field for it.

For this guide, we will use "Qualification & Cerfitication" for our new field. Be sure to select the right "Group" for the field (we use Background for this example field):

Then, go to JomSocial backend/configuration page, and select Multiple Profiles.

On "Multiple Profile" page, click "New" on the toolbar to create and new profile type.

Next, you will be displayed with two columns of "Details" and "Fields". Below is an example of "Details" setup on JomSocial backend.

And here is how it's going to show up on frontend.

"Select Profile Type" page can be accessed either during registration or for registered users, they can access it from "Edit profile page" (from JomSocial Toolbar: Profile > Edit Profile):

For Multiple Profiles "fields", you can choose what fields (the one you created on Custom Profiles) to include within the Profile Type. For this guide, we select "Qualification & Certification" field for "Teacher" and leave out "Full/Part-time" which is intended for "Student".

"Teacher" profile type fields (backend settings):

"Teacher" profile type fields (frontend view):

"Student" profile type fields (backend settings):

"Student" profile type fields (frontend view):

The above example or guide is just one of many ways for you to make use of JomSocial Multiple Profiles feature.

User points are essentially points that are awarded to the user for their participation in the site activities. This indirectly attract users to have a healthy competition among themselves to have the most points, and directly contribute to the buzz in your community.

Out of the four official templates, you can see the 'point bubbles' in Blueface, and Bubble templates.

Blueface Template

Bubble Template

Setting Up User Points

 You can view the list of actions that will award points by going to Components > JomSocial > User Point.

By default, there are 28 actions that trigger JomSocial point system. To change the weightage of each action, simply click on the specific Rule and a cWindow will appear as below:

Adding new Rules

If you install any new Integrator application that integrates JomSocial point mechanism, you can add the new Rule by clicking on 'Rule Scan'. JomSocial will then scan all 'Community' applications and add any new Rule to the list.

What is JomSocial application?

Editing a User's Point

To manually edit a specific user's point, head to JomSocial User Manager, locate the exact user and edit the detail. You will find a field that allows admin to change the user's point to his liking.

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