Latest Profiles XL module displays the very latest member of your community in an 'Xtra Large' format at the top of the module--with their username and all the JomSocial profile fields you specify in the XL backend. It also adds an "Add as Friend" icon & link as well as a "Contact Member" email icon & link in case your members are interested in casually interacting with this new member. Below that member, all the other most recent members's avatars are displayed in admin-defined sizes.
Main features:
* Joomla 1.5.x & Joomla 1.7.x support
* Profiles Total: You can specify the total number of members/avatars you want displayed
* Featured Avatar Size: Choose the size of the avatar of the top featured member--50x50, 75x75, 100x100, 160x160px...your choice!
* Show About Me: You can choose "Yes" or "No" to including the 'About Me' field from JomSocial, which can get lengthy.
* About Me Characters Counter: You can leave this field blank if you wish to have the entire "About Me" from your members displayed...or, you can specify the number of characters to display of the members'
"About Me" text. After the text ends, this will appear in the module: "...[read more]"
* Mini Avatar Size: You can specify the size of the avatars of the other members of your community who have recently joined--25x25, 40x40, 50x50, 60x60px...your choice!
* JomSocial Fields: This is where you will add which JomSocial profile fields you will want to include on your most recent member's mini-profile in the module. The member's answers in your in JomSocial
registration page will be displayed here...even dropdown and multiple selection answers!
* Complete Control over CSS Styles: You don't have to choose from the default Dark or Light can edit the included style.css file for even further customization. Match your site's colors and style
perfectly if you have a little CSS knowledge.
* Keeping up the featured recent member using his/her ID number
* Five design template variants: rounded, light, dark, fancy, Fastw3b: