jGifts lets your Jomsocial community users offer virtual gifts to each other and much more !
JomSocial 4.x
JomSocial 3.2
JomSocial 3.1
JomSocial 3.0
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jGifts lets your Jomsocial community users offer virtual gifts to each other and much more ! jGifts is not only a Virtual gifts manager or shop, it's a marketplace application allowing users to gift each other spending user points but also to create their own virtual gifts and earn points commission on sells !
The component is mostly a Virtual gifts catalogue manager. A gift item consist of a title , a description, an image and a price (in userpoints). Gifts items can be added and edited from the backend (any gift) and the front end (own gifts only).
Users can browse the catalogue from the front end and choose a gift to offer to some user spending some userpoints depending on the gift price.
Gift receiver will be notified for the received gift(s) at session login with a modal popup showing once per session. He will have to accept (or decline) the gift for it to show and be listed on own user profile.