Wonderful looking inside every jomsocial user profile... Jomsocial Facebook Wonder displays your facebook fan page or application maximizing your facebook content and boosting your fan page likes number. No other plugin in the market does it, and the good thing is that you can display a totally different facebook page or application, so it's not restricted to the facebook id number you have set inside the jomsocial configuration page. Specially built and designed for jomsocial, it works great in any template position (Main Content, Sidebar Top or Sidebar Bottom). Jomsocial Facebook Wonder is also full of display options, likes, share, stream, faces, color, border, header, etc. it's basically all major facebook social plugins packed in one super slim and fast loading jomsocial plugin. It's very easy to use and to turn off or on the display options but, as usual in all TechGasp quality extensions, instructions are included in the form of labels. This is the plugin you need to turn your jomsocial website facebook viral.
The wonder plugin that turns jomsocial websites viral.