Plugin shows a list of users who visited user's profile.
The list is displayed a user's profile. In the BE>Applications>plugin settings admin can choose the number of users shown.
If the plugin is installed on the site a user will be able to add it in his Applications>Browse. Admin can make this a core default application in the BE. Then a user won't have to add it.
Once added a user will see people who visited his profile on his Profile tab. Please note that you will see your guests only when at least one user visited your profile after the plugin was added.
Practically all the community members are interested to know who visits their profile. Satisfy the members’ curiosity to find their profile guests day after day!
It works with JomSocial 1.6, and 1.7 beta, and should in 1.8 too.
If you want to translate this plug-in you should edit not only .ini file but .xml also