The Primary goal of the Hotspots component is to allow your users to submit locations (pubs, restaurants etc).
Starting with Hotspots 3.6 though we are now able to show the jomsocial users who register or update their profile automatically on the google map in a category that you specify.
Another specific to Jomsocial feature is the ability to post on the latest activity stream when users submit a hotspot or to assign them points.
Other non-jomsocial related features:
- able to handle 100k or 1M locations thanks to custom tiles + server side boundary method (check our demo we have 90k locations!)
- styled maps support
- weather, traffic, transit, bicycle, panoramio layers
- KML support
- Custom fields (currently text & select
- K2 integration - ability to show items on the map + show a map under the k2 item
- Matukio integration - ability to show your events on a map
- Individual categories with custom marker icons on the map
- Each marker has an individual description, this can be added with or without a picture (each marker can have custom icon & link to com_content, k2, sobiPro)
- Frontend marker adding (as option) with a drag & drop marker & geolocation support!
- Detail page for every single marker
- Give your users the ability to create route planing
- Printing and mailing of current map
- RSS feed Sobi2 Data Import
- Ajax based, no reloading of the map needed
- 500 sample marker icons included to give you the ability to create any marker