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Shaper Crux : Joomla Gaming Template by JoomShaper

Do you always wish for a JomSocial compatible template specially for gaming community? Guess what, guys? JoomShaper has released a Joomla gaming template that has one unique advantage: It specially supports e-commerce functionality for Joomla!

Introducing Shaper Crux, the latest template from JoomShaper. It is ready to help you to start your gamers' shopping paradise right now. Besides E-commerce and social community, the template can also be used for Game review, Online Game Shop, Game Portal, Gaming forum and Gaming blog websites.



With the amazing responsive layout, Crux also comes with 6 different styles. Plus, the elegant layout of SlideShow Pro SP2 gives an amazing experience to the audiences.

Check out the LIVE Preview to experience this awesome Joomla gaming template.

Crux is developed to portray the professionalism of a gaming community. They have thought of every aspect of a gaming website. Crux supports wide ranges of features and extensions including K2, Virtuemart, Kunena and most importantly, JomSocial. It's not just a template, it's Crux!

Download the template now!

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