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JomSocial 2.4, Celebrating Your Memories


This is the first of many blog posts that will be posted in the next coming weeks, updating you, our loyal fans with the hottest JomSocial news, most especially on JomSocial 2.4 development updates and behind-the-scenes shots.

We have officially started developing JomSocial 2.4 shortly after the release of JomSocial 2.2.1. Our developers are grouped into four with each group having a dedicated web-designer to bring in the creative juice; doodling everywhere in our office.  Seriously, they do doodle everywhere. Proof of this will be shown in the next blog post, your honor.

Each group handles a specific area of JomSocial 2.4; developer tinkering the codes for new features & performance updates while the designers will turn their doodles (lets call them ‘design blueprints’ shall we?) into actual JomSocial structure, designed with utmost concern for user interactivity and usability.

Let your pictures glow

It has been a while since we last update our Photo Gallery area and boy; it is in dire need of one. With scalpel blades and detailed clinical report (thanks to our neverending supply of comments on the forum), we pry open the gallery, inspecting and criticizing our own creation for improvements in JomSocial 2.4.

We have a long list of improvements with us at the end of the session.  The list includes updates in photo upload mechanism to keep us on par, if not better than modern social networking sites out there (yes, we are speaking about you Facebook & Google). A study to compare numerous photo upload solutions has been made and the outcome was a joy for us all.

In JomSocial 2.4, we have an intelligent uploader that would allow you to upload multiple files at once, and depending on your browser, you may drag multiple photos directly from your PC. Older browsers, *cough*IE*cough* will not be able to utilize the feature; hence the uploader will have to automagically switch to legacy mode.

On top of that, the photo listing has been improved to be more professional and clean. With the adaptation on Geo-Mapping feature in earlier JomSocial releases, we are now confident to showcase geo-location data across JomSocial platform. Here in this very blog, you will see the first implementation of it in our newly refurbished photo area, coupled with additional information to facilitate users to browse other albums and sections of JomSocial. In fact, this left panel will see another improvement in JomSocial 3.0 ;)

I might have written tad too long for a typical JomSocial blog. Im afraid I will have to stop here before I disclose everything and leave no surprises for JomSocial 2.4. Wait for next week for updates regarding Events & Groups. Adieu. 

Team Charlie: Adam, Amer and Izuddin. They are responsible for numerous updates in Photo gallery.

BugID 6809: Cut Wawan's hair [Fixed]


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