Files Seller is a shopping cart component for intangible products, it allows you present your documents to everyone and sell them easily.
Why File Seller?
- If you have so many software products (Joomla™ extensions, Magento extensions, … ) and files such as documents, eBooks, mp3, etc and you want to present them to everyone, to let them know and buy your products? It’s time for you to find a tool which can help you fully and automatically with this task. That is why we developed File Seller.
- File Seller help you to manage your documents very effectively with multiple level categories system and visual administration interface.
- Compatibility with Joomla™ 1.7 and Joomla™ 2.5, designed with multiple templates system.
- Multiple payment methods plugin system, so developer can create new payment method easily without to change any component core.
How does it work?
- Customers visit your website, they can find information of products and then add chosen products to their shopping cart (Customers can use the feature Add to Wishlist for the products to be saved in wish list and they can buy those products afterward).
- Customers can download free products by clicking on Download button (for free products, “Add to cart” button will be replaced by Download button)
- Customers can fill in the transaction information (Billing information, Payment information) and process payment.
- After payment is successfully processed, administrator will receive a notification of the order and customers will be given an Invoice for their order.
- After that, customers can download the product at any time by logging in the website and accessing “My Order” link to see details of their order or download that product. Of course, administrator can configure to limit time in downloading the product or times to download one product.
- Administrator can control the number of download by download logs in Backend, and can manage all orders.
Please go to our website to check File Seller's full features.