------- version 1.4 [March 25 2010] ------
+: K2 Item gallery by tooltip
+: Colorbox for each image of gallery
+: Allow auto regen jFramework file in case you don't know how to do.
!: You should turn it on for first time and disable after that.
^: Clean up code
^: Javascript compressed
!: In my case need comment: //jQuery(id).autogrow(options); that make javascript error.
Please feedback me your case.
------- version 1.3.1 [March 25 2010] ------
+: Add new K2 Group & subItems in Toolbar
!: This only show when user viewing themself page.
#: Fixed require_once jooblogs function that could conflict with another JOOBLOGs products
------- version 1.3 [March 20 2010] ------
+: Display 5 comments of each item
-: Clean up files
!: Released as stable version
------- version 1.2 [Feb 21 2010] ------
^: Code structure have changed to new method.
-: PageNav temporary was removed.
+: Ajax tooltip for content and category.
+: Template selection that allow user select their own template. Still not enable in this version
+: Template changed.
+: Colorbox for thumb. Thumb could be choose from JomSocial Avatar - K2 Item image - Thumb image in item content
!: Please remove jframework before / after install. It'll auto regen next time run.
------- version 1.1 [December 20 2009] ------
^: reUse css in local.
^: Template constructure updated, prepare for ajax features.
^: CSS updated.
+: Modified date.
+: Copyright added. Please keep it as free version or contact us to remove it in PRO version.
!: TODO:
Which features need to use ajax ??? Need some ideas.
My mind:
Dislay relative item (ajax) by Tags.
Ajax for pagenavigation.
Search ajax.
Seperate FREE & PRO version. (PRO: Ajax features, css local, copyright removeable).
------- version 1.0.4 [December 16 2009] ------
!: Starting to use jquery for effecting.
+: New link to Close / Expand extra fields.
+: Image allow to display fullsize with lightbox2 effect.
!: Qtip can use but take lots of resource because can't remove instace.
Need help in this work.
------- version 1.0.3 [December 13 2009] ------
^: Changed plugin name to jooblogs_js_k2items to make easy for understand.
^: Moved css to scripts.jooblogs.com. Planed for management.
^: CSS improve for better layout.
^: CSS fixed for display.
+: Allow display item image.
+: Allow show tooltip when hover on title to display fulltext.
!: Qtip can use but take lots of resource because can't remove instace.
Need help in this work.