Here is the mod that will allow your users to auto publish photo and video to the social network sites with just a single click.
How this mod will benefit your site / users of your site?
* When user uploads an image to his JomSocial profile that image automatically get published to the connected providers.
* So it will give back link to your site, as well as your user does not have to go on each social network site to publish the same image/video, so it's SINGLE CLICK SHARE PHOTO / VIDEO EXPERIENCE
What this mod will do and how it will work on your site?
* Users can select the providers to use for auto publish
* If user does not wish to use auto publish for particular or all networks, then he can simply disconnect his account from available providers
* Auto publish photos and videos
* This modules uses Gigya API, so you need to get API key from their site. The link to get API is given in the admin panel.
Media Supported
* JomSocial Photos
* JomSocial Videos
Networks/Social Providers Supported
* Facebook
* MySpace
* Twitter
* Yahoo!
* Linked-In
* Google
* Microsoft
* Foursquare
* Orkut
* OpenID
I would love to get this app. Im just afraid it will bounce around with my other apps =( I have auto JoomSocial 'Status' update hooked up with an app called 'Broadcast' by TechJoomla. Since its hooked to the 'Status' is it possible that it "Will Not" have a conflict with the auto publish just on the photo and video uploads? Also, Will the Tag "title" for where it was published be My apps 'title' on the Gigya API? Eample: Video uploaded via @MySiteApp at
This would be a great app for me, if it works for me! =)