When it comes to social sharing for jomsocial websites, Jomsocial Share ranks 1 in fact, it's the most potent viral combination of social sharing engagement for your website. A very light weight and clean code plugin that combines the power of Facebook Like and Send, Twitter Follow and Re-Tweet, Google + "plus", LinkedIn, StumbleUpon, Pinterest, MySpace, Digg, Reddit, without interfering with your page load times, it's so well coded that each button script code only loads in the website frontend if you activate it inside the plugin administration. All these social networks are prime for any jomsocial website by boosting it's content but, you can always activate or deactivate them in the backend because Jomsocial Share plugin administrator is packed with display options, you can even decide to show inside the website frontend the bubble per button that displays the number of social sharing. Sharing content is important in any country or language, jomsocial share includes over 50 different languages. Specially designed for jomsocial, it integrates beautifully in jomsocial templates, Main Content, Sidebar Top and Bottom. Social Share for Jomsocial will make your jomsocial website look professional and give it the supreme viral boost by allowing all your users and visitors to share your jomsocial website.
Social Share for jomsocial is the Supreme social sharing plugin...